


DGA!!! As we get closer to the Holidays it is easy to find reasons not to come to the gym. So I wanted to give you a small list of reasons of why you should come to the gym this week and next week.

1. You have already paid (in more ways than one); how many places can you go, where you almost pass out from physical exhaustion only to have some random person yell for you to go a little faster or to get 1 more round. Its called camaraderie.#getusome

2. The more muscle you have the better food taste. #notapprovedbytheFDA

3. The fitter you are and the harder you work out the more carbs you can eat. #truestory

4. Walking around the house naked is not healthy for people who do not work out.#getusomemore


A. Back Squat 4-5 x 5 @ 20×1 rest 2-3 min
B. Barbell Front Rack Stepup 5-6 per leg x 3 rest 30 sec b/n legs
5 Heavy Thruster
4/7 Strict Pullups
200m row
rest 1 min x 5

**should be about 2 mins of work, 1 min rest. If you are faster that is fine. If pull-ups are EASIER for you please do C2b. If you are using a band please be sure to do your negatives afterwards. If you have to use the green band please sub ring rows. You may do banded pull-ups after class is over.



A. Back Squat 2-3 x 5 @ 10×1 rest 2-3 min (focus on speed; no pausing)
B. CG BP 4-5 x 4 @ 21×1 rest 2 min
For Time
Clean 155/105
Shoulder to OH
Box Jump  24/20 (you may step down) Females need to work on bounding before or after class


For Time
Clean #165
Shoulder to OH