



Shoulder Prehab
A. Back Squat 5-7 x 5 @ 41×1 rest 3 min
B. Strict Pullup Cluster 3-3-3-3 rest 2-3 min (4 sets of 3)
**Notes for B; This will be individualized. Whatever your strict amrap set of Pullups was on Thursday multiply that number by 20% and thats how many pullups you do for the cluster. I just placed the “3” for an example.
150m row
12 KBS
7 Burpee
rest 2 min x 5

**reference 1-6-14 for the conditioning.
-What does your attrition look like?
-Are you able to recover better b/n sets?
-What was total working time on 1-6 vs 5-19?


A. Front Squat 5-7 x 5 @ 31×1 rest 3 min
B. RFESS 10-12 x 4 @ 3010 rest 30 sec, rest 1 min
C. 3 Position Clean + 1 Jerk x 4 rest 3 min (mid thigh, below knee, floor)
D. Strict Pullup (Wtd) 4-5 x 4 @ 21×1 rest 2-3 min