


Starting today we will be briefing fitness AND competition. It will take a little more time so please be prepared. Thanks, Eric



A1. Strict Pullup (F)4-5, (M) 3-4 x 5 @ 31×2 no rest
A2. Stepup 5 per leg x 5 rest 90 sec after you finish both legs, 1 leg @ a time
B1. Hanging Knee Raises 5-7 reps x 4 @ 31×2 no rest (you may add weight, DB b/n feet)
B2. Glute Bridge 8-10 x 4 no rest (pause 3 sec @ top with hips completely open and extended)
B3. 15 KBS (HAP) x 4 no rest

***If you move the cursor over B2 there is a demo available.



A. HPC(from hip/mid thigh) + HPC (from just below knee cap) x 5 rest 2 min
B1. DB Snatch 6 per arm Alt’ing x 4 no rest
B2. Ring Pushup (F) 5-7 (M)8-12 x 4 rest 1-2 min (feet on block)
EMOM for 12 min
Even- C2b Pullup 6(F)/(M)8-12
Odd- Clean x 2-3 @ 60-65%