April 11th, 2017


April 11th, 2017


If you guys haven’t noticed, we are in a gymnastics cycle right now! If you know me, you know I’m excited about it, because I love gymnastics movements. I can’t stress to you all enough that any of the strength movements that we do (i.e pull ups, hallow holds, arch rocks) are JUST that. STRENGTH work. Yes, technique is key to having good movement patterns, however, you still have to have the strength to complete this movement. So please, take this skill work seriously. We are not programing busy work for you all. If you want to know why we’re doing a movement, or what it’s working, just ask! 🙂



A1. Parallel Pullups 4 x 5-7 @ 31×3 no rest
A2. BB Hip Thrust 4 x 8 @ 31×3 rest 60-90 sec
4 sets
8 DB Hang Squat Cleans
10 Burpee
12 Cal Row
rest 60-90 sec
Cool Down
3 sets
Powell Raises 8-10 reps @ 3010 from the side plank position
Reverse Bear Crawl 75′ “slow” like a “Bear”


10-15 min of Skill Work
T2b, Pullup, C2b PU (pick your weakest movement or work on all 3)
**Video yourself or have a coach video you. This will allow you to get more insight on
your movement patterns
A. Hang Clean 2-2-2-2-2 rest 2 min (HTLW)
B1. Hollow Rock 4 x 20 no rest
B2. Arch Rock 4 x 20 no rest
C1. Back Facing Wall Shoulder Taps 4 x 5 per side
C2. Farmer Carry w/ KB’s (1per hand) @ 1 min x 4 sets