August 17 2016


August 17 2016

A1. Sled Push 18-20 sec of work x 4 sets
A2. 200m run x 4 sets
A3. WB 15 ***HAP x 4 sets
*rest as needed after A3
**match times from last week
4 sets
45-60 sec FLR (go past parallel with hands, rings may need to be elevated)
Hollow Rock 40-50 reps (toes pointed; knees locked out)
Strict T2b x 5-7 (you may sub leg lifts) “No Swinging”
Sweat Session (Optional)
20 DU
10 cal row
12 Russian KBS
rest 45-60 sec x 5

“Active Recovery”
AB 30 sec @ 90%
30 sec rest x 10
rest 3 min x 2 (20 total sets)
Accumulate 30/20 strict PU- perfect hollow body position **Increase reps by 5 this week
4 sets
FW with KB/hand Length of parking lot (down and back)
4 Wall Walks on even sets (1-2 legelss RC’s on odd sets)
Hollow Hold 45-60 sec