January 9th, 2018


January 9th, 2018



“A1. BS 4 x 7
A2. Lateral Band Walk 4 x 12 each side
**There should be approx 2-3 min rest b/t each set of
BS. The lat band walks is considered active rest
4 rounds NOT for time
30 DU
14 Step Ups
10/7 Pushups @ 3010
3 sets
SA FW 150′
side plank 30-60 sec per side
McGill Curl Up x 10 slow and controlled ”


“A. Snatch 2-2-2-2 x 3 sets
**These are clusters, rest 20 sec; rest 2 min
**Each cluster should be heavier- Increase weight 3 times
3 rounds
5 cleans @ 80-85% ( add 5-10lbs from last week)
30 UB WB
2 min easy recovery row
3 sets
Upper Pull x 4-7 reps
Z Press w/ KB x 8 reps
Barbell rollouts x 10 reps