July 5 2016


July 5 2016


A1. RFESS 4 x 12 @ 3010 rest 90 sec after each leg
A2. BB Strict OH Press 4 x 8 @ 21×1 rest 60-90 sec
EMOM for 12 min
1 min Shuttle Run Inside (AMRAP 30-35 sec)
2 min 2-3 Strict PU + 10-15 sec hold with chin over the bar
7-8 min FR Mobility



A. Snatch 75% 2 reps x 3 sets, 80% 1 x 3 sets, 85%1 x 2 sets, 88% x 1 rep x 3 sets, 90% x 1 x 2 sets–NO MISSES
B. Back Squat 4-3-2-2 rest as needed (we will max next week)
4 sets
15/10 Cals AB
5 KB Snatch per side
15/10 Cal Row
rest 60 sec b/n sets