June 22nd, 2017


June 22nd, 2017



A. TGU 3 per side x 5 sets rest as needed
B1.Wall Walks x 2 x 5 (last rep hold for 30-45 sec at top) rest as needed
B2.Chin Over the Bar Hold 10-20 sec (chest as high as possible) x 5 sets
**Control the descent on the WW and the chin over the bar hold
C. 3 Burpee + shuttle run (down and back) + 3 burpee x 5 sets
Mobility and Cool Down
2 sets
Bretzel 10 breaths per side
Ostritch Walk 25′
Duck Walk 25′


A. Split Jerk -Technique Work- singles only- 10-15mins
3 sets
20 KBS
20 Cals AB
rest 60 sec
3 sets
20 Cal Row
7 Snatches (squat) @ 70% of 1 RM
rest 60 sec