October 24th, 2017


October 24th, 2017



Hang Clean + Clean x 5 sets rest 2 min
Try to finish heavier this week
Gymnastics Assistance
4 sets
Hanging Tuck 30 sec
Chin Over the Bar Hold 20 sec
4 sets
SA Ring Row 10 per side
Tuck HS Hold 10-20 sec
Optional Conditioning
20 Russian KB swings
100m sprint + 100m jog
rest as needed x 3-4 sets


A. Back Squat 4 x 8 rest as needed (Should be heavier than last weeks 10)
*The goal is to hit a 8RM
B. 1 set for 8 reps -10% of B
Gymnastics Assistance
4 sets
Lsit 10-30 sec
Tuck HS Hold 10-20 sec
The goal this week is to be able to have one leg straight and not touching
the wall
The other leg is in the tuck position
3 sets
4-5 strict pullups @ 3333 tempo
8-10 pushups @ 3333