October 27 2015


October 27 2015

A big shout to another one of our athletes and former athletes Morgan White and Trey Jones. They finished 4th in the scaled division but it was a tight race all day. Morgan, thank you for being coachable and thank you your awesome attitude!!!!!



A1. DB Arnold Press (SA) 6-8 x 4 @ 3010 no rest
A2. Barbell Row 5-8 x 4 @ 31×3 no rest
B. TGU 3 per side x 3 rest as needed (HAP)
C1. Pushups 5-7 x 5 @ 3010 (Please use a band if necessary, we need perfect form and no snaking) no rest
C2. RDL 10-12 x 5 @ 31×1 no rest
C3. Seated Floor Press 10-12 x 5 @ 3010 no rest
4 sets
4-6 Strict Pullups (elbows locked out at the bottom)
3 Wall Walks
Quadriped Thoracic rotation 30 sec per side
Rest as needed



A. Deadlift Paused 2 inches off Ground 2 sec 5RM
B. -10% for 5 with pause
C1. RFESS 10 each leg x 3 rest as needed
C2. Double KB Goblet Squats15 x 3 rest as needed
10 min AMRAP
30 PC 185/125 m 125/85
30 Bar Facing Burpee
30 Calorie Row